So a little behind the scenes. Most of you know I have been an artist my entire life. I have strived and strived. I allowed fear to keep me frozen and cowering in the corner, watching colleagues fearlessly move forward in their careers. Then it all shifted in 2021 when I returned to my studio to create just for fun. I started sorting through old intaglio prints and launched into a new and exciting body of work -Memoir of the Sugar River. During this time I was introduced to Matt Tommey’s Created to Thriveprogram. I had heard about Matt Tommey two years prior, watched a couple instagram posts but never gave it much thought. The truth is, I was too frugal to invest in myself. Yet that still small voice and my husband, Ted, encouraged me to take the leap and try it for 3 months. I enrolled and never looked back. He has helped me to heal deep wounds and begin to walk in the Abundant life. I am so grateful to him, his team and all the amazing artists I have met along the way.